Clear Autoptimize Cache Automatically

Created: 11/2021

Latest updated: 06/2024 – Updated version: 1.0.3

By: VillaTheme

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Clear Autoptimize Cache Automatically is a very lightweight add-on for Autoptimize plugin, which helps you clear Autoptimize cache automatically when cache size reaches the set amount in MB, GB or percent. You can also opt to clear cache after a specific interval such as every hour, every day…

  • Option to automatically clear Autoptimize cache when cache size reaches a specific number that you set. The maximum cache size can be in MB, GB or percent.
  • Option to automatically clear Autoptimize cache after a specific interval regardless of current cache size. It supports the interval in minutes, hour or days.
  • Support execution link – an URL with a secret key – which when accessed the Autoptimize cache will be immediately cleared.


System Requires:

Make sure those limits to a minimum as follows in order to free-trouble while installing:

  1. WordPress 5.0+
  2. PHP 7.0+


Important Notice:

This plugin requires Autoptimize plugin By Frank Goossens (futtta) to run


Download and install

You can either download the plugin on and then upload it manually, or search and download the plugin from the WordPress plugins.

Then click on “Activate” the plugin



After you install and activate the plugin, go to the Dashboard > Settings > Clear Autoptimize Cache Automatically to configure.

Instead of clearing caches manually by clicking on the Clear CSS/JS cache option,

You can choose to clear the caches automatically.

This plugin offers 3 methods to clear caches automatically.

  • Clear by cache size: This is used when the cache size reaches a predefined threshold. The maximum cache size can be specified in MB, GB, or percentage..
  • Clear after a specific interval: This is used to clear caches after a predefined interval, regardless of cache size. It supports minute, hour, and day intervals.
  • Support clear caches via an execution link: A URL with secret key that, when accessed, immediately clears the Autoptimize cache.

For further details about each type of cache auto-optimizing with the Clear Autoptimize Cache Automatically plugin, please go to the How does it work section below.


1. Clear by cache size: If you enable this option, the plugin will clear caches when the cache size reaches a predefined threshold. The maximum cache size can be specified in the cache size field below in MB, GB, or percentage..

2. Clear after a specific interval: If you enable this option, the plugin will clear caches after a predefined interval, regardless of cache size. It supports minute, hour, and day intervals, specifying how long the cache will be cleared for in the clear cache every field.

3. Execution link: If you enable this option, the plugin will quickly clear caches whenever a request is made to the Execution link below.

Copy  the execution link, and enter it on the browser whenever you need to clear caches. You can generate a new Execution link by clicking on the icon.

This method is frequently used if you are required to clear all CSS/JS caches but you don’t want to provide admin login to other users.


* Note: You can use the 3 methods above at the same time.

Extra Information

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