Settings for Comment

Filter Fields to edit

You can select one or/and many fields of comment to interact and work with. This helps to filter relevant fields that you are interested in and observe objects and tables.


  1. Click on the settings.
  2. Filter to fields: Select fields to work with, the other fields will be hidden. Leave empty to show all fields. You can exclude fields to edit.
  3. The Search tool to find the fields to edit and save the action.

  1. Click on the settings.
  2. Exclude fields to edit
  3. Comment per page: Allows to show a number of comment per page
  4. Order by: Filter by comment by ID, Title
  5. Order: Sort comment order by DESC or ASC
  6. Time to delete revision: Set time schedule to delete the history
  7. Save filter when load page: allows to save filter whenever you load the page.