Review form


  1. Auto select 5 star: The rating in the review form will be 5-star auto selected.
  2. Auto fill review: Add the content to be automatically filled in the review content. Leave blank if you don’t want any auto-filled content for the review form.
  3. Show canned reviews: Canned reviews are served for user to easily leave a reviews, enable this option to let your users use canned reviews while leaving reviews
  4. Canned reviews: Add the content you want for the canned reviews here
  5. Canned style for Desktop: Select the style to show the canned reviews on desktop view
  6. Canned style for Mobile: Select the style to show the canned reviews on mobile view
  7. Canned text color: Text color of canned reviews on the slider
  8. Canned background color: Background color of canned reviews on the slider
  9. Canned text hover color: Text color on hover of canned reviews on the slider
  10. Canned background hover color: Background color on hover of canned reviews on the slider
  11. Show purchased label: Enable this option to show the purchase label when adding virtual reviews. The label contains: purchased icon, purchased variation (if the product is variable), and quantity of purchased item/variation
  12. Purchased icon: Select the purchased icon here
  13. Purchased icon color: Purchased icon color for front-end display
  14. Purchased label text color: Purchased label text color for front-end display
  15. Purchased label background color: Purchased label background color for front-end display
  16. Custom CSS: This field is for you to add your own custom CSS.