Filter Based on Review Properties

The Bulk edit review feature offers options to filter all properties of a review: ID; Content, Author, Author email, Author URL; Status; Type; Review date, Rating, and Verified.

  • ID: You can filter the range of reviews by review IDs, separate IDs with commas or minus for the range

  1. Click Filter icon
  2. Enter Review IDs that you need to filter.
  3. Click Filter to take action.
  4. The result after filtering.
  • Content, Author, Author email, Author URL: This allows you to filter a review by Content, Author, Author email, Author URL.

  1. Click the Filter icon.
  2. Enter Content, Author, Author email, Author URL that you need to filter
  3. Click Filter to take action.
  4. The result after filtering.
  • Status: Filter review by status: Approved, Pending, or Spam.

  1. Click the Filter icon.
  2. Select statuses
  3. Click Filter to take action.
  4. The result after filtering.
  • Type: Filter reviews or replies.

  1. Click the Filter icon.
  2. Select review or reply
  3. Click Filter to take action.
  4. The result after filtering.
  • Review date: Filter review by review’s date – After date and before date

1. Click the Filter icon.

2. 3. Select specific review dates

4. Click Filter to take action.

5. The result after filtering.

  • Verified:  Filter reviews if they are verified or not.

  1. Click the Filter icon.
  2. Select to filter verified reviews or not
  3. Click Filter to take action.
  4. The result after filtering.