Edit Post types in Bulk

After filtering post types and fields that you need to change their properties, let’s go to edit them in bulk.

1. Bulk Edit post Title, Slug, Content, Excerpt: 

You can edit post titles along with the other fields with the following options:

  • Set new: Set a new post title.
  • Append: Add custom text at the end of the existing product title.
  • Prepend: Add custom text at the beginning of the existing product title.
  • Edit multiple cells: Select multi cells to edit.
  • Go to edit product page
  • View on single product page
  • Delete selected rows
  • Copy
  • Paste
  • Duplicate: Duplicate the selected row
  • Preview: Go to see the post on the front end.



2. Bulk Edit post images.

You can Add, Remove, or Replace post images.


3. Bulk Edit public dates.

You can reset or assign a new public date for posts.


4. Bulk Edit post status.

You can bulk edit a post’s status include Draft, pending, private, public.


5. Bulk Edit post categories


6. Bulk Edit post tags.


7. Bulk Edit formats