1. Enable the specific Order Bumps. You can create many order Bumps with different rules and designs, enable it to make the plugin run the order bump you choose.
2. Duplicate the Order Bumps.
3. Remove the Order Bumps.
General settings
1. Name: Create a name for the Order Bumps.
2. Days: Choose the days in the week to display the Order Bumps to the Customers.
3. Timer per day: Set timer to show Order Bump per day.
4. Discount amount: Choose the type and the number for the discount amount applied on the Upsell Funnel.
- None: The order bump item has no discount, sold with its initial price
- Percentage (%) regular price: The discounted price is calculated by subtracting this percentage amount from the regular price.
- Fixed($) regular price: The discounted price is calculated by subtracting this fixed amount from the regular price.
- Percentage (%) price: The discounted price is calculated by subtracting this percentage amount from the sale price. If the product has no sale price, use regular price instead.
- Fixed($) price: The discounted price is calculated by subtracting this fixed amount from the sale price. If the product has no sale price, use regular price instead.
- New fixed($) price: Set a specific price for the order bump, no calculation.
5. Product quantity: Set up the number of products, which customers can buy each time on order bump.
- Fixed: Customer must buy the exact quantity set up in “Product quantity”, they’re unable to change this quantity on their end if they decides to buy orderbump
- Max quantity that customers can buy: They can adjust quantity of orderbumps they can buy, but no higher than the value set in here.
6. Products: Choose the product to display on the Order Bumps.
1. Choose the background color for the Order Bumps.
2. Padding: Choose the padding for the Order Bumps.
3. Border style: Set up the style of the border around the box of recommended products. There are five styles: None, dashed, Double, Dotted, Solid.
4. Border Color: Set up the color of the border around the Order Bumps.
5. Border width: Set up the width of the border around the Order Bumps.
6. Border radius: Set up the radius of the border around the Order Bumps.
1. Message: You can change the message as you want on the Order Bumps.
2. Background Color: Set up the background color of the title box.
3. Color: Set up the color of the text in message.
3. Font size: Set up the size of the text.
1. Message: You can add the message for the content of Order Bumps. You can use the shortcode below it.
2. Enable product image: Enable the product image in the Order Bumps.
3. Choose the color of the content background.
4. Choose the color of the text,
5. Padding: Set up the padding of the content.
6. Font size: Set up the font size of the text.
7. Max content length: Change the max length of the content.
Cart Conditions
1 and 2: Set the range for the Cart Subtotal and Cart Total chosen to display the Order Bumps. The Order Bumps will be not shown with the carts having the Subtotal or Total be not in these ranges.
3. Include Cart Items: Set the specific products which the carts must have them to be displayed the Order Bumps.
4. Exclude Cart items: Set the specific Products which the carts must not have them to be displayed the Order Bumps.
5. Include Cart items by categories: Set the specific categories which the carts must have the items of these categories to be displayed the Order Bumps.
6. Exclude Cart items by categories: Set the specific categories which the carts must not have the items of these categories to be displayed the Order Bumps.
7. Include Coupon: Set the specific Coupons which the carts must have them to be displayed the Order Bumps.
8. Exclude Coupon: Set the specific Coupons which the carts must have them to be displayed the Order Bumps.
9. Include Billing Countries: Set the specific countries which the carts must have these billing countries to be displayed the Order Bumps.
10. Exclude Billing Countries: Set the specific countries which the carts must not have these billing countries to be displayed the Order Bumps.
11. Include Shipping Countries: Set the specific countries which the carts must have these shipping countries to be displayed the Order Bumps.
12. Exclude Shipping Countries: Set the specific countries which the carts must not have these shipping countries to be displayed the Order Bumps.
Customer conditions
1. Limit per day: Set the limitation per day for the customers to see the Order Bumps.
2. Only logged: Set up for only the customers who log in to see the Order Bumps or not.
3. Include user role: Set up for the specific user roles to see the Order Bumps.
4. Exclude user role: Set up for the specific user roles not to see the Order Bumps.
5. Include user: Set up for the specific users to see the Order Bumps.
6. Exclude user: Set up for the specific users to not see Order Bumps.