
In the Design tab, click on Go to design now to go the Design page of WooCommerce Coupon Box.

In the Design page

  1. Layout: select a layout for the pop-up. There are 4 built-in layouts for you to choose from.
  2. General: on this page, you can set up the pop-up before subscribe and after subscribe with options for:
    Show coupon after subscribing.
    Front-end messages.
    GDPR checkbox and message.
    Background effect.
  3. Button Close: Configure the close button with icons, color, background color, position.
  4. Header: design the pop-up header with font, title, color, background color/image.
  5. Body: design the pop-up body with font, title, color, background color/image.
  6. Social Media: select social network icons and add it to your Coupon Box pop-up.
  7. Button Subscribe & Email Field: design the subscribe button with options for title, text color, and background color. And the email field with Emai Input Rounded Corner, Email Input Text Color, Email Input Background Color.
  8. Pop-up Icons: this option will display a small icon after closing the pop-up, allows users to call out the pop-up again.
  9. Custom Input fields: this option allows you to add more information field to the pop-up. The available custom fields are first name, last name, mobile, birthday, gender. You can choose which field is required.
  10. Custom CSS: add your own custom CSS code to design the front-end of the Coupon Box pop-up.