TMDS – Dropshipping for TEMU and WooCommerce

Created: 02/2025

Last updated: 02/2025 – Updated version: 1.0.1

By: VillaTheme

Thank you for using our plugin. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this documentation, please feel free to request support at our Support Forum. Thanks so much!

System Requires:

Make sure that those limits are to a minimum as follows for free-trouble while installing:

  • WordPress 6.2 or higher
  • Woocommerce 7.0 or higher 
  • PHP Version 7.0 or higher


Install the plugin: 

Go to Dashboard >> Plugins >> Add New Plugins. You have 2 ways to add TMDS – Dropshipping for TEMU and WooCommerce:

  1. Upload the zip file downloaded from this official source.
  2. Or search the keyword TMDS and install it directly from the list



Temu is a fast-growing marketplace offering a vast range of affordable products, making it a great choice for dropshipping. With Temu dropshipping, you can sell products without holding inventory – simply list items in your WooCommerce store and purchase them only when a customer orders. However, managing imports, pricing, and inventory manually can be time-consuming.

TMDS is a powerful WooCommerce plugin that simplifies importing products from Temu, customizing details, and automating pricing – all within a few clicks.

By installing TMDS, you gain access to powerful features that save time, automate tedious tasks, and help you scale your business effortlessly.


Key Features of TMDS:

  • Unlimited Product Imports – Import an unlimited number of products from Temu to WooCommerce, giving you the freedom to expand your product catalog and explore new niches.
  • Multi-Domain Compatibility – Connect multiple domains to the TMDS Chrome extension, allowing you to manage imports across all your stores effortlessly.
  • Import from Temu’s Single Product Page or Product List – Quickly import products from a single product page or in bulk from a category page, saving valuable time.
  • Intuitive Import List Management – Review and manage imported products before they go live, ensuring quality and consistency in your store.
  • Comprehensive Pricing Control
    • Set exchange rates and pricing rules to maintain profit margins.
    • Apply fixed or percentage-based price adjustments.
    • Replace original prices or multiply them to fit your pricing strategy.
    • Enable/disable promotional sale pricing for campaigns.
  • Bulk Settings for Efficiency – Apply changes to multiple products at once:
    • Set categories, tags, and product statuses (publish, draft, pending).
    • Manage product visibility for better organization and a smooth shopping experience.
  • Flexible Product Editing
    • Customize imported product details, including titles, descriptions, and variations (size, color, etc.).
    • Adjust attributes (global or custom) and manage product galleries to optimize your listings.



Install and Connect Chrome Extension

In this section, we’ll learn how to:

Install the TMDS Chrome Extension

This process is quick and easy. Follow the steps below to get started:

  1. Install via Plugin Settings
  2. On the extension page, click the Add to Chrome button.
  3. Confirm by clicking Add extension in the pop-up prompt.

After installing the extension using either method, ensure it is enabled


Connecting Domains to the TMDS Chrome Extension

With the TMDS Chrome Extension, you can connect as many domains as you need, including subdomains if you’re using WordPress’s multisite (network) feature. There’re 2 ways to connect your domain(s):

  1. Use the Connect Chrome Extension button under General settings: This button is available after you have the chrome extension installed and activated
  2. Get the domain URL manually:
    • Single site domain: You can get your correct site URL in WordPress settings >> General

    • Multisite domain: You can get the URL of your subdomain

You can connect as many domains or subdomains as needed. The extension will allow you to switch between them and import products to the correct store.


Enable or Disable Domains for Importation

You can control which connected domains are enabled or disabled for product importation. This feature is useful for managing multiple stores or subdomains and ensuring imports go to the correct WooCommerce site.

Step 1: Open the TMDS Chrome Extension. Click on the TMDS Chrome Extension icon in your browser toolbar.

Step 2: Enable/Disable

  • Locate the domain you want to enable or disable in the list of connected domains.
  • Check or uncheck the Enable checkbox associated
    • Checked/Enabled: Allows the extension to import products to this domain.
    • Unchecked/Disabled: Prevents the extension from importing products to this domain.


Step 3: Save Changes

Once you’ve adjusted the domain statuses, ensure you click the Save button within the extension to confirm your settings.



Watch this short tutorial for a better view



Import List

The Import List page is where you manage the products you’ve selected from Temu before adding them to your WooCommerce store. Below is an overview of the features and actions available on this page:

  1. Go to Temu Products: At the top of the page, you’ll find the Go to TMDS Products button. Clicking this button will redirect you to TMDS so you can browse products and add them to your import list using the Temu Chrome Extension.
  2. Bulk Action buttons: Manage multiple products at once using the following bulk action options:
    • Import All: Import all products currently listed in your Import List to your WooCommerce store.
    • Empty List: Clear all products from the Import List.
    • Bulk Actions dropdown: Check one or more products to enable this dropdown. It provides additional actions for selected products, such as importing or removing them.
      • Set categories
      • Set tags
      • Set shipping class
      • Set status – Publish
      • Set status – Pending
      • Set status – Draft
      • Set visibility – Shop and search results
      • Set visibility – Shop only
      • Set visibility – Search results only
      • Set visibility – Hidden
      • Imported selected
      • Remove selected
  3. Action buttons: Each product in the Import List has individual action buttons for quick management
    • View on TMDS: Opens the product page on TMDS in a new tab so you can verify its details.
    • Remove: Deletes the product from your Import List without importing it.
    • Import Now: Instantly imports the product to your WooCommerce store using the settings configured in the plugin.
  4. Pagination and Search field: If your Import List contains many products, use these tools to navigate and find specific items
    • Pagination: Easily move between pages to review all products in your list.
    • Search Bar: Enter keywords in TMDS product title to filter and locate specific products in your Import List.



Customize Temu product information

Import List provides a variety of tabs for each product, allowing you to tailor and manage the product details before importing them into your WooCommerce store. The tabs shown depend on the product type and available details on Temu (e.g., variable or simple product). Below are detailed explanations of the tabs and their settings:



  • Product title:  Name of the product
  • SKU: Product SKU or ID of Temu product
  • Product status: Temu product status on WooCommerce store: Public, Pending or Draft.
  • Catalog visibility: Select type of product visibility: Shop and search results; Shop only; Search result only
  • Categories: Choose categories the Temu product belong to.
  • Tags: Tag for the Temu product on WooCommerce store
  • Shipping class: Shipping class for the Temu product on WooCommerce store.


Description – Customize Temu product descriptions.

You can customize product descriptions before importing to WooCommerce store.


Attributes – Customize Temu product attributes

In this page, you can:

  • Edit attribute name and attribute terms.
  • Remove an attribute using the red “Remove this attribute” button in the Action column

If remove attributes, you will be asked to set a default value for this attribute.


Variations – Customize Temu product variations.

  • Number of variations of the products – Each variation has their attribute terms associated in the (5) columns. By default all those variations are checked to be imported, uncheck the checkbox of any specific variations you want to exclude before importing.
  • Product variation images. WooCommerce products can have an image for each variation. You can uncheck the variation image checkbox if you want that variation to not have the image. You can’t change the variation image in this Import List – the image is pulled from Temu. But you can change it in the product edit page after importing.
  • Default variation: WooCommerce variable product has option to set one default variation in the product edit page >> Product data >> Variations >> Default Form Values (Choose a default form value if you want a certain variation already selected when a user visits the product page).
  • Sku: Sku of variations.
  • Attributes: Hover over the attribute name in the top of the column and you’ll see a dropdown of its all terms. Select specific term(s) and it’ll show only variations which has this selected term(s). Reselect the term to deselect it.
  • Cost: Temu product original price
  • Sale price: Prices in this column will be imported to WooCommerce product variation sale price as set up in the pricing rules in the Product Price settings. However, they can be edited here, price set up here will override the global pricing rule in the Product Price settings.
  • Regular price:  Same as Sale price column, but prices in this column will be imported to variation regular price.
  • Inventory: Display number of variations in stock.



In this page, you can select product images, including:

  • Product image (Featured image): You can select only one featured image for each product. Hover over the image, you’ll see a grey star on the top left corner of the image, click that star to make the image featured image. Selected image will have the orange star and borders indicating it’s the product featured image
  • Product gallery: You can select any and as many images as you like for the product image gallery. Simply click the image you want, there will be green borders around the image and a small tick in the top left corner of that image letting you know that it will be imported to the product gallery.
  • Product variation image:  You can set the variations up in the Variations page, but here in this Gallery page, you can bulk set variation images.
    • To bulk set images, you choose the variation(s) you want by selecting the checkbox linked to each variation listed in the first column of the Variation page
    • After selecting the variations, back to the Gallery page, hover over the image you target, you’ll see a small circle next to the tick mark. That’s the “Set image for selected variation(s)” option. Click it to bulk set variation image.
    • Note: If you hover over the product image and don’t see the “Set image for selected variation(s)” option, try accessing the Variations page and then come back the Gallery page



Imported is where all the products you’ve successfully imported from Temu are displayed. This page allows you to manage, review, and take further action on your imported products.

Each product listed on this page comes with the following action buttons:

  • View on Temu: Redirects you to the product’s original page on Temu, allowing you to view its original listing for reference.
  • View: Opens the product page on your WooCommerce store’s frontend, so you can see how it appears to customers.
  • Edit: Takes you to the WooCommerce product editing page, where you can update product details such as price, inventory, descriptions, and more.
  • Delete: Removes the product from your WooCommerce store entirely. Use this action carefully as it cannot be undone.



Failed Images

When you enable the “Disable background process” option under Product setting tab, images will be moved to this page. Go to Failed Images to download them.
Please disable “Use external links for images” and enable “Import description images” to make Import button available for Description images

1. Import all: Import all images on the current page.

2. Delete all: Delete all images on the current page.

3. Empty list: Remove all images on the current page.

4. Import: Import each image.

5. Delete: Delete each image



Settings – General

This setting page is where you can activate the TMDS plugin and set up the Chrome extension required for product imports from Temu. These settings are the first step in configuring your plugin for seamless use.

1. Enable: Toggle this option to activate or deactivate the TMDS plugin. When enabled, all features and configurations of the plugin will be functional.

2. Video guide:

  • Watch the attached tutorial video for a step-by-step guide on using the extension effectively.
  • Click the Add Extension button to be redirected to the Chrome Web Store. The Chrome extension is essential for browsing Temu and importing products into your WooCommerce store. From there, add the TMDS Chrome extension to your browser.


Action Buttons

Below the settings, you’ll find two buttons for saving settings and managing the Chrome extension:

  • Save Settings: Saves any changes you’ve made in the General Settings section.
  • Extension Button: This button’s label and functionality change based on the extension’s status:
    • Install Chrome Extension: Appears if the extension isn’t added to your Chrome browser, or is added but disabled.
    • Connect Chrome Extension: Shows if the extension is installed but your domain isn’t connected.
    • Go to Temu Products: Becomes available once the extension is connected and ready to use.



Settings – Product

The Product settings page allows you to configure how imported Temu products will be managed and displayed in your WooCommerce store. These options ensure products are imported with the correct status, attributes, visibility, and stock settings.

  1. Product status: Set the default status for imported products – Publish; Pending; Draft
  2. Use global attributes: Enable this to use WooCommerce global attributes instead of custom attributes for imported products
  3. Import as simple product: If a product has only one variation or you choose to import just one variation, it will be imported as a simple product. In this case, variation SKUs and attributes will not be applied.
  4. Catalog visibility: Choose whether imported products are visible in the shop, search results, both, or hidden
  5. Product description: WooCommerce product description is imported from Temu product, either:
    1. None
    2. Item specifics
    3. Product description
    4. Item specifics & Product Description
  6. Use external links for images: Keep product images hosted on Temu instead of downloading them to your store. You need to have EXMAGE plugin installed and activated to use this option. This helps you save your storage but you are unable to edit these external images.
  7. Import description images: This option is available if you use “Use external links for images”. Enable to import and display images inside the product description.
  8. Default select product images: Choose to automatically set the first image as product images during import
  9. Disable background process: When this option is in use, while importing products, the main product image will be uploaded immediately, while gallery and variation images (if any) will be moved to the Failed Images page. You can manually import them from there.
  10. Default categories: Assign default categories for all imported products
  11. Default product tags: Set default tags for imported products to improve searchability
  12. Default shipping class: Apply default shipping classes for imported products
  13. Product variations is visible on product page: Enable this option so that the “Visible on the product page” checkbox is checked for all imported products
  14. Manage stock: Enable stock management for imported products to track inventory levels (product’s “Manage stock” checkbox checked)



Settings – Product price

The Product Price settings page allows you to configure exchange rates and pricing rules for imported Temu products, ensuring accurate pricing in your WooCommerce store.

  1. Exchange rates: Since Temu operates in multiple currencies, you need to set exchange rates to convert product prices to your WooCommerce store currency.
    • Temu currency: Select the currency used on Temu
    • Exchange rate: Enter the conversion rate for the selected currency to match your store’s currency
    • Add More Currencies – Click the green plus ( ) button to add exchange rates for additional currencies.
  2. Price rules: Price rules allow you to adjust product prices dynamically by particular price ranges when importing from Temu.
    • Price range: Define a price range (from … to …) and click the green plus button to add more ranges
    • Actions: Choose how to modify product prices:
      • Increase by percentage: Add a markup to product price by percentage of Temu price, defined under associated “Sale price” and “Regular price” columns
      • Increase by fixed amount: Add a markup to product price, defined under associated “Sale price” and “Regular price” columns
      • Multiply by a factor: Adjust price using a multiplier, multiply Temu price with associated numbers under “Sale price” and “Regular price”
      • Set to a fixed price: Override the price with a specific amount, defined under associated “Sale price” and “Regular price” columns
    • Sale price (Set -1 to not use sale price): Set a value based on the selected action. Enter -1 to disable sale pricing.
    • Regular price: Works the same as sale price but applies to the base price.



Extra Information

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