REDIS – WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts

Created: 11/2021

Latest updated: 6/2024 – Updated version: 1.0.13

By: VillaTheme

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REDIS – WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts is an advanced product pricing plugin that helps shop owners to configure discount types and pricing for products and carts. Shop owners can configure WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts, offer attractive prices or discounts for customers based on cart conditions or product quantity.  WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts promises to motivate purchases and increase revenue for shop owners.



Product pricing: Configure bulk discounts for each product based on product quantity or discount amounts.

Shop owners can set up many product pricing rules. Products that are eligible for particular rules will be applied a discount at the respective level.

Set up the date conditions to apply the product pricing rule. For example, product pricing will be applied every Saturday, or from Dec 1st  to Dec 31st …

Product pricing rules: You can set a fixed discount on the product price or discount based on the quantity of the product. For example, 5% discount for y product quantities purchased or $10 per product purchased.

  • Basic: Set a fixed discount on the product price. Eg: $10 per product purchased.
  • Bulk pricing is based on product quantity. You can set the quantity of:
    • Current product: Apply discount per product based on the quantity of that currently selected product.
    • All cart items: Apply discount per product based on the quantity of all items in the cart.
    • All cart items in the same category: Apply discount per product based on the quantity of all cart items in the same category.

Set up product conditions to apply the product pricing rule: with which products discount will be applied, available:

  • Product sale: Apply the product pricing rule for the sale-off products on your site.
  • Product price: Products whose price falls in the price range set. Eg: a 5% discount for products that have a base price from $20 to $30.
  • Product visibility: Products whose catalog visibility is set, available:  Shop only; Shop and search results; Search results only; Hidden. Eg: a $5 discount for products whose visibility is set: Shop only.
  • Include products: Assign particular products. Eg: a $5 discount for products that are assigned.
  • Exclude products: All products will be applied except these products. Eg: a 5% discount for all products except these selected products.
  • Include categories: Assign particular categories. A $5 discount for products in these categories which are assigned.
  • Exclude categories: All categories will be assigned except these categories. Eg: a 5% discount for all categories except these selected categories.

Set up cart conditions to apply the product pricing rule: If a cart is eligible as (a) rules set, a product discount will be applied.

  • Cart subtotal: Set the cart subtotal value from (min) to (max) to get a product discount, leave one side empty if you want.
  • Cart items
    • The total quantity of cart items: Set the total quantity value from (min) to (max) a product discount, leave one side empty if you want.
    • Include cart items: Set the specific products which the carts must have to be applied a product discount.
    • exclude cart items: Set the specific products to which the carts must not have to be applied a product discount.
    • Include cart items by categories: Set the specific categories which the carts must have to be applied a product discount.
    • Exclude cart items by categories: Set the specific categories to which the carts must not have to be applied a product discount.
    • Include cart items by tags: Set tags which if the cart includes these tag products will get a product discount.
    • Exclude cart items by tags: Set tags which if the cart does not include these tag products will get a product discount.
  • Applied coupon
    • Include coupon: Set the specific Coupons which the carts must have to get a product discount
    • Exclude coupon: Set the specific Coupons which the carts must have to get a product discount
  • Billing address
    • Include billing countries: Set the specific countries in which the carts must have these billing countries to apply a product discount
    • Exclude billing countries: Set the specific countries in which the carts must not have these billing countries to apply a product discount
  • Shipping address
    • Include shipping countries: Set the specific countries which the carts must have these shipping countries to apply a product discount
    • Exclude shipping countries: Set the specific countries in which the carts must not have these shipping countries to apply a product discount

Set up customer conditions to apply the product pricing rule: Offer a product discount matched with user roles or users you set, available:

  • Customer information:
    • Logged-in users: Apply a product discount to users who are logged in or not. There are 2 options: Yes or No for who logged in, and non-logged in, respectively.
    • Include user role: Apply a product discount to these user roles that you assign.
    • Exclude user role: Apply a product discount to all except these user roles you assign.
    • Include user: Apply a product discount to these users you assign.
    • Exclude user: Apply a product discount to all except these users you assign
  • Order history:
    • Order status: Select respective order statuses to get a product discount.
    • Order count: Select the ordered date range and the ordered quantity to get a product discount.
    • Order total: Select the ordered date range and the ordered total to get a product discount
    • Has last order: Options to apply a product discount for the order before or after a specific day.
  • Purchased products
    • Include purchased products: Fill in the products which if the customer has purchased before will get a product discount
    • Exclude purchased products: Fill in the products which if the customer has purchased before will not get a product discount
    • Include purchased categories: Fill in the categories which if the customer has purchased before will get a product discount
    • Exclude purchased categories: Fill in the categories which if the customer has purchased before will not get a product discount

Display discount price on the front end.

There are options to display the discount prices on the store and on the cart page.

Change display price style: Select the price style to display: Only discount price; Both regular price and discount price or Both base price and discount price.

Option to display dynamic pricing on the single product page.

Assign pages to display discount price:

  • On the single product page
  • On the product list pages: There are choices to choose from WooCommerce page, Product category page, Shop page, Single product page.

Display sale badge: Display sale badge if the displayed price is changed.

Display pricing table: Display discount pricing table with respective quantity, matched with quantity range set in the rule

Customize pricing table text: Enter pricing table title to display on the frontend.

Select pricing table position: Set the position of the pricing table, it can be: Before adding to cart button, after adding to cart button, before product meta, after product meta, after product summary.


Cart discount: Configure bulk discount for carts based on rules in WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts

Shop owners can set up many cart rules: A cart that is eligible for particular rules will be applied a discount at the respective level.

Set up the date conditions to apply the cart discount rule. For example, the cart discount will be applied every Monday, or from Feb 1st  to Feb31st …

Set up cart conditions to apply the cart discount rule: If a cart is eligible as (a) rules set, a cart discount will be applied.

  • Cart subtotal: Set the cart subtotal value from (min) to (max) to get a cart discount, leave one side empty if you want.
  • Cart items
    • The total quantity of cart items: Set the total quantity value from (min) to (max) to get a cart discount, leave one side empty if you want.
    • Include cart items:  Set the specific products which the carts must have to be applied a cart discount.
    • exclude cart items: Set the specific products to which the carts must not have to be applied a cart discount.
    • Include cart items by categories: Set the specific categories which the carts must have to be applied a cart discount.
    • Exclude cart items by categories: Set the specific categories to which the carts must not have to be applied a cart discount.
    • Include cart items by tags: Set tags which if the cart includes these tag products will get a cart discount.
    • Exclude cart items by tags: Set tags which if the cart does not include these tag products will get a cart discount.
  • Applied coupon
    • Include coupon: Set the specific Coupons which the carts must have to get a cart discount
    • Exclude coupon: Set the specific Coupons which the carts must have to get a cart discount
  • Billing address
    • Include billing countries: Set the specific countries in which the carts must have these billing countries to apply a cart discount
    • Exclude billing countries: Set the specific countries in which the carts must not have these billing countries to apply a cart discount
  • Shipping address
    • Include shipping countries: Set the specific countries which the carts must have these shipping countries to apply a cart discount
    • Exclude shipping countries: Set the specific countries which the carts must not have these shipping countries to apply a cart discount

Set up customer conditions to apply the cart discount rule: Offer a cart discount matched with user roles or users you set, available:

  • Customer information:
    • Logged-in users: Apply a cart discount to users who are logged in or not. There are 2 options: Yes or No for who logged in, and non-logged in, respectively.
    • Include user role: Apply a cart discount to these user roles that you assign.
    • Exclude user role: Apply a cart discount to all except these user roles you assign.
    • Include user: Apply a cart discount to these users you assign.
    • Exclude user: Apply a cart discount to all except these users you assign
  • Order history:
    • Order status: Select respective order statuses to get a cart discount.
    • Order count: Select the ordered date range and the ordered quantity to get a cart discount.
    • Order total: Select the ordered date range and the ordered total to get a cart discount
    • Has last order: Options to apply a cart discount for the order before or after a specific day.
  • Purchased products
    • Include purchased products: Fill in the products which if the customer has purchased before will get a cart discount
    • Exclude purchased products: Fill in the products which if the customer has purchased before will not get a cart discount
    • Include purchased categories: Fill in the categories which if the customer has purchased before will get a cart discount
    • Exclude purchased categories: Fill in the categories which if the customer has purchased before will not get a cart discount


Make sure that those limits to a minimum as follows in order for free-trouble while installing:

  1. WordPress 5.0+
  2. PHP 7.0+
  3. WooCommerce 7.0+


Download Plugin:


Let’s follow this video guide to download and install REDIS WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts plugin.

A. Product pricing:

Configure bulk discounts for each product based on product quantity or discount amounts.

Step 1: Go to Pricing & Discount > Product pricing

Step 2: Configure in the general setting

  • Enable to use the product pricing.
  • The base price to apply the discount, select which price will be called out to calculate the product discount, regular price, or sale price.
  • If multi pricing rule matched: In the rule settings, you can set many product pricing rules, this option allows you to prioritize the first matched rule or all rules that are qualified.

Step 3: Set up product pricing rules

In this setting, you will configure rules to apply a discount level per product. You can set:

  • The name of the product discount campaign.
  • How to treat each rule if there are many other rules qualified: Override all other rules, combine with all the other rules at the same time or ignore this rule if another is applying.
  • Date & time rule: Set update conditions to apply the product pricing rule.
  • Product Pricing rules: Configure bulk discounts for each product based on product quantity or discount amounts.
  • Product condition: Set up product conditions to apply the product pricing rule.
  • Cart conditions: Set up cart conditions to apply the product pricing rule.
  • Customer conditions: Offer a product discount matched with user roles or users you set.


Step 4: Display discount price on the front end.

There are options to display the discount prices on the store and on the cart page.

Change display price style: Select the price style to display: Only discount price; Both regular price and discount price or Both base price and discount price.

Option to display dynamic pricing on the single product page.

Assign pages to display discount price:

  • On the single product page
  • On the product list page
  • On particular pages: There are choices to choose from WooCommerce page, Product category page, Shop page, Single product page.

Display sale badge: Display sale badge if the displayed price is changed.

Display pricing table: Display discount pricing table with respective quantity, matched with quantity range set in the rule

Customize pricing table text: Enter pricing table title to display on the frontend.

Select pricing table position: Set the position of the pricing table, it can be: Before adding to cart button, after adding to cart button, before product meta, after product meta, after product summary.


B. Cart discount

Configure bulk discounts for carts based on rules.

Step 1: Go to Pricing & Discount > Cart discounts

Step 2: Configure in the general setting

  • Enable to use cart discount
  • Configure a limited discount
  • If multi cart discount rule matched: In the rule settings, you can set many cart discount rules, this option allows you to prioritize the first matched rule or all rules that are qualified.
  • Combine all discounts: If select ” Apply all rules” above, and enable “Combine all discounts” that means allowing applying all discounts if the cart is matched the rules.

Step 3: Set up cart discount rules

In this setting, you will configure rules to apply a discount level for the cart. You can set:

  • The name of the cart discount campaign.
  • Discount title and discount value: Set up the title for the discount on the front end and a respective discount value
  • How to treat each rule if there are many other rules qualified: Override all other rules, combine with all the other rules at the same time or ignore this rule if another is applying.
  • Date & time rule: Set up the date conditions to apply the cart discount rule.
  • Cart conditions: Set up cart conditions to apply the product pricing rule.
  • Customer conditions: Offer a product discount matched with user roles or users you set.



A. General settings

1. Enable: Turn on this option to use the product pricing.

2. Base price to apply discount: Select which price will be called out to calculate the product discount, Regular price or Sale price.

3. Enable limit discount per product: Set the maximum acceptable value for a product discount level.

4. Maximum discount: If you enable “Enable limit discount per product” option above, setup the maximum discount amount in this field (percentage or fixed price)

5. If multi pricing rule matched: In the rule settings, you can set many product pricing rules, this option allows you to prioritize to the first matched rule or to all rules that are qualified. The options are:

  • Apply first matched rule
  • Apply all rules


B. Rules & Products

Configure bulk discounts for each product based on product quantity or discount amounts.

1. Enable: Turn on to activate this product discount campaign.


2. Name: Name for this product discount campaign.

3. If enable “Apply all rules”, select to treat this rule as one of the following.

In the General tab, you can select to prioritize to the first matched rule or to all rules that are qualified. So in case you select “Apply all rules”, this option helps you how to treat each rule if there are many other rules qualified, the option can be:

  • Override all other rules.
  • Combine with all the other rules at the same time.
  • Ignore this rule if another is applying.

4. Duplicate this rule: You can copy this rule to create the same rules.


Date and time

5. Set up date conditions to apply the product pricing rule. For example, product pricing will be applied every Saturday, or from Dec 1st  to Dec 31st …



Product pricing: There are 2 types of rules:

6.1. Type 1

a. Bulk pricing based on product quantity.

b. You can set the quantity of All cart items; Current product; All cart items in the same categories.

c. Quantity range: Set ranges of quantity to generate pricing table, a product quantity will be applied a discount at the respective level

d. Add range: Click to add more quantity ranges

e. Remove range: Click to remove quantity ranges


6.2. Type 2

a. Basic – Discount exact amount you enter: Configure bulk discount for each product based on discount amounts. Eg: $10 per product purchased

b. Price: enter a discount amount by a percentage or fixed amount.


Product conditions and Cart conditions

7. Set up product conditions to apply the product pricing rule: with which products, discount will be applied, available:

  • Product sale: Apply the product pricing rule for the sale-off products on your site.
  • Product price: Products whose price falls in the price range set. Eg: a 5% discount for products that have the base price from $20 to $30.
  • Product visibility: Products whose catalog visibility is set, available:  Shop only; Shop and search results; Search results only; Hidden. Eg: a $5 discount for products whose visibility is set: Shop only.
  • Include products: Assign particular products. Eg: a $5 discount for products that are assigned.
  • Exclude products: All products will be applied except these products. Eg: a 5% discount for all products except these selected products.
  • Include categories: Assign particular categories. A $5 discount for products in these categories which are assigned.
  • Exclude categories: All categories will be assigned except these categories. Eg: a 5% discount for all categories except these selected categories.

8. Set up cart conditions to apply the product pricing rule: If a cart is eligible as (a) rules set, a product discount will be applied.

  • Cart subtotal: Set the cart subtotal value from (min) to (max) to get a product discount, leave one side empty if you want.
  • Cart items
    • The total quantity of cart items: Set the total quantity value from (min) to (max) a product discount, leave one side empty if you want.
    • Include cart items: Set the specific products which the carts must have to be applied a product discount.
    • exclude cart items: Set the specific products to which the carts must not have to be applied a product discount.
    • Include cart items by categories: Set the specific categories which the carts must have to be applied a product discount.
    • Exclude cart items by categories: Set the specific categories to which the carts must not have to be applied a product discount.
    • Include cart items by tags: Set tags which if the cart includes these tag products will get a product discount.
    • Exclude cart items by tags: Set tags which if the cart does not include these tag products will get a product discount.
  • Applied coupon
    • Include coupon: Set the specific Coupons which the carts must have to get a product discount
    • Exclude coupon: Set the specific Coupons which the carts must have to get a product discount
  • Billing address
    • Include billing countries: Set the specific countries in which the carts must have these billing countries to apply a product discount
    • Exclude billing countries: Set the specific countries in which the carts must not have these billing countries to apply a product discount
  • Shipping address
    • Include shipping countries: Set the specific countries which the carts must have these shipping countries to apply a product discount
    • Exclude shipping countries: Set the specific countries in which the carts must not have these shipping countries to apply a product discount


Customer conditions

Set up customer conditions to apply the product pricing rule: Offer a product discount matched with user roles or users you set, available:

  • Customer information:
    • Logged-in users: Apply a product discount to users who are logged in or not. There are 2 options: Yes or No for who logged in, and non-logged in, respectively.
    • Include user role: Apply a product discount to these user roles that you assign.
    • Exclude user role: Apply a product discount to all except these user roles you assign.
    • Include user: Apply a product discount to these users you assign.
    • Exclude user: Apply a product discount to all except these users you assign
  • Order history:
    • Order status: Select respective order statuses to get a product discount.
    • Order count: Select the ordered date range and the ordered quantity to get a product discount.
    • Order total: Select the ordered date range and the ordered total to get a product discount
    • Has last order: Options to apply a product discount for the order before or after a specific day.
  • Purchased products
    • Include purchased products: Fill in the products which if the customer has purchased before will get a product discount
    • Exclude purchased products: Fill in the products which if the customer has purchased before will not get a product discount
    • Include purchased categories: Fill in the categories which if the customer has purchased before will get a product discount
    • Exclude purchased categories: Fill in the categories which if the customer has purchased before will not get a product discount

C. Product price on store

There are options to display the discount prices on the store and on the cart page.

1. Change display price style: Select the display style of the price, you can set one of these options:

No change
Only discount price

Both regular price and discount price

Both base price and discount price


2. 4. 5. Assign pages to display the discount price: 

  • On the single product page
  • On the product list pages: There are choices to choose from WooCommerce page, Product category page, Shop page, Single product page.

3. Option to display dynamic pricing on the single product page.

6. Display sale badge: Display sale badge if the displayed price is changed. This option is only available with “Both base price and discount price” and “Both regular price and discount price”


7. Display pricing table: Display discount pricing table with respective quantity, matched with quantity range set in the rule

8. Customize pricing table text: Enter pricing table title to display on the frontend.

9. Select pricing table position: Set the position of the pricing table, it can be: Before adding to cart button, after adding to cart button, before product meta, after product meta, after product summary.

10. Discount value column of the pricing table. You can set to display percentage discount price (%); Fixed discount price ($) or Fixed price ($).


D. Product price on cart

You can set how price display on the cart page:

  • Only discount price: Display only discount price
  • Both regular price and discount price.
  • Both base price and discount price. Note: Base price is defined in the general tab setting.



A. General settings


1. Enable: Turn on this option to use the cart discount.

2. Enable limit discount per cart: Enable to allow to set the maximum acceptable value for a cart discount.

3. Maximum discount: Set a maximum acceptable value for a cart discount level, percentage, or fixed amount.

4. If multi rules matched: In the rule settings, you can set many cart discount rules, this option allows you to prioritize to the first matched rule or to all rules that are qualified. The options are:

  • Apply first matched rule
  • Apply all rules

5. Combine all discounts: If select ” Apply all rules” above, and enable “Combine all discounts” that means allowing applying all discounts if the cart is matched the rules.

For example: If you set the Christmas sale discount and the Customer gratitude discount, both these discounts will be applied for a cart if the rules are matched and enable this Combine all discounts option.

6. Combine all discount titles: Set the title of the total discount.


B. Rules

Configure bulk discount for carts based on rules.


1. Enable: Turn on to activate this cart discount campaign.


2. Name: Name for this product discount campaign.

3. Discount title: Named for this cart discount on the front end.

4. Discount value: Set up a cart discount value if a cart qualifies the rules.

5. If enable “Apply all rules”, select to treat this rule as one of the following.

In the General tab, you can select to prioritize to the first matched rule or to all rules that are qualified. So in case you select “Apply all rules”, this option helps you how to treat each rule if there are many other rules qualified, the option can be:

  • Override all other rules.
  • Combine with all the other rules at the same time.
  • Ignore this rule if another is applying.

6. Duplicate this rule: You can copy this rule to create the same rules.



Date & time, Cart conditions, Customer conditions

7. Set up date conditions to apply the cart discount rule. For example the cart discount will be apply every Monday, or from Feb 1st  to Feb31st …

8. Set up cart conditions to apply the cart discount rule: If a cart is eligible as (a) rules set, cart discount will be applied. You can create as many cart conditions as you want.

  • Cart subtotal: Set the cart subtotal value from (min) to (max) to get a cart discount, leave one side empty if you want.
  • Cart items
    • The total quantity of cart items: Set the total quantity value from (min) to (max) to get a cart discount, leave one side empty if you want.
    • Include cart items:  Set the specific products which the carts must have to be applied a cart discount.
    • exclude cart items: Set the specific products to which the carts must not have to be applied a cart discount.
    • Include cart items by categories: Set the specific categories which the carts must have to be applied a cart discount.
    • Exclude cart items by categories: Set the specific categories to which the carts must not have to be applied a cart discount.
    • Include cart items by tags: Set tags which if the cart includes these tag products will get a cart discount.
    • Exclude cart items by tags: Set tags which if the cart does not include these tag products will get a cart discount.
  • Applied coupon
    • Include coupon: Set the specific Coupons which the carts must have to get a cart discount
    • Exclude coupon: Set the specific Coupons which the carts must have to get a cart discount
  • Billing address
    • Include billing countries: Set the specific countries in which the carts must have these billing countries to apply a cart discount
    • Exclude billing countries: Set the specific countries in which the carts must not have these billing countries to apply a cart discount
  • Shipping address
    • Include shipping countries: Set the specific countries which the carts must have these shipping countries to apply a cart discount
    • Exclude shipping countries: Set the specific countries which the carts must not have these shipping countries to apply a cart discount


9. Set up customer conditions to apply the cart discount rule: Offer a cart discount matched with user roles or users you set. You can create as many cart conditions as you want, available:

  • Customer information:
    • Logged-in users: Apply a cart discount to users who are logged in or not. There are 2 options: Yes or No for who logged in, and non-logged in, respectively.
    • Include user role: Apply a cart discount to these user roles that you assign.
    • Exclude user role: Apply a cart discount to all except these user roles you assign.
    • Include user: Apply a cart discount to these users you assign.
    • Exclude user: Apply a cart discount to all except these users you assign
  • Order history:
    • Order status: Select respective order statuses to get a cart discount.
    • Order count: Select the ordered date range and the ordered quantity to get a cart discount.
    • Order total: Select the ordered date range and the ordered total to get a cart discount
    • Has last order: Options to apply a cart discount for the order before or after a specific day.
  • Purchased products
    • Include purchased products: Fill in the products which if the customer has purchased before will get a cart discount
    • Exclude purchased products: Fill in the products which if the customer has purchased before will not get a cart discount
    • Include purchased categories: Fill in the categories which if the customer has purchased before will get a cart discount
    • Exclude purchased categories: Fill in the categories which if the customer has purchased before will not get a cart discount

Extra Information

Thank you for your attention!

If you have any question, please create a topic at our FORUM, we will support within 24 hours.